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Thu Oct 05 2023

Unsubscribe Feature when Email Service Provider is AWS SES

AWS SES List Management

• AWS SES provides built-in feature for managing email subscribers and their subscription preferences. This includes creating contact lists and topics, and enabling unsubscribe functionality directly in our emails. • We need to create separate topics for different types of emails: To handle different types of emails like verification links, subscription updates, marketing etc. we can create separate topics for each type of email. This allows us to manage the subscription preferences for each type of email separately. • We need to Include the {{amazonSESUnsubscribeUrl}} placeholder in our emails: AWS SES will automatically replace the {{amazonSESUnsubscribeUrl}} placeholder in the email with the actual unsubscribe URL. • When a user clicks on this link, they will be taken to an unsubscribe landing page hosted by AWS, where they can choose to opt-out of receiving emails for a specific topic or all topics. • AWS SES will handle the process of updating the user's subscription status when they opt-out of a topic. The next time when our system tries to send an email to that user for the opted-out topic, AWS SES will not allow the email to be sent. • Ensure important emails are not affected: To ensure that users can still receive important emails like OTP verification and password reset emails, even after they opt-out of other emails, we can use separate contact lists and topics for these types of emails or we should not pass ListManagementOptions in these emails.

  "Destination": {
    "ToAddresses": [""]
  "Message": {
    "Body": {
      "Html": {
        "Charset": "UTF-8",
        "Data": "<body> // Email content... <p>If you no longer wish to receive our emails, please <a href=" {{amazonSESUnsubscribeUrl}}">unsubscribe</a></p></body>"
    "Subject": {
      "Charset": "UTF-8",
      "Data": "Email subject"
  "Source": "",
  "ListManagementOptions": {
    "ContactListName": "contact_list_name",
    "TopicName": "Marketing"