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Fri Jan 12 2024

we can interact with browser events like click on a element in rails using Stimulus Make sure you have @hotwired/stimulus installed . Generate a stimulus controller by running the below commands.

./bin/rails generate stimulus controllerName
./bin/rails stimulus:manifest:update

Here , say my controllerName is tooltip , this will create a controller called tooltip_controller.js in app/javascripts/controllers directory & also link the file in app/javascripts/controllers/index.js .

For eg: my functionality is i want to toggle the tooltip visibility so the controller code will look like this

import { Controller } from "@hotwired/stimulus";

// Connects to data-controller="tooltip"
export default class extends Controller {
  connect() {}

  toggleToolTip(event) {

And in your view file we need to wrap our parent div with an attribute called data-controller="tooltip" so the code will look like this

<div class="relative" data-controller="tooltip">
        <%= link_to "#", id: "avatar-link", data: { action: "click->tooltip#toggleToolTip" } do %>
          <%= image_tag(your_image, alt: "Avatar", class: "...classnames") %>
        <% end %>
        <div class="..classnames hidden" id="tooltip-container">
          ... your tooltip contents

so here on click of the image it will toggle the tooltip container , if you take a close look on -> data: { action: "click->tooltip#toggleToolTip" } this is simply saying perform the click action on tooltip controller using toggleToolTip method defined above.