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Tue Jan 23 2024

In Dart, JSArray<Object> and ConstantStringMap<String, Object> are part of the dart:js library, which is used for interoperability between JavaScript and Dart. They provide ways to interact with JavaScript objects and arrays within Dart code.

  1. JSArray<Object>: This represents a JavaScript array. It extends Dart's List class and allows us to interact with JavaScript arrays as if they were Dart lists. This means we can use methods like add, remove, length, etc., on a JSArray<Object> instance. This makes it easier to work with JavaScript arrays in Dart code.
  2. ConstantStringMap<String, Object>: This represents a constant JavaScript object. Unlike JSArray<Object>, which allows us to modify the JavaScript array, ConstantStringMap<String, Object> is read-only. This means we can access properties of the JavaScript object, but we can't modify them. This is useful when we want to ensure that the JavaScript object isn't accidentally modified by Dart code. Example:
void main(){
  const alphabets = [a,b,c];
  const person = {'id': 1, 'name': "Sibtain"};

  print(alphabets.runtimeType); // JSArray<Object>
  print(person.runtimeType); // ConstantStringMap<String, Object>