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Mon Nov 13 2017

We can use the command docker-compose up -d --no-deps --build to do a zero downtime upgrade of services inside a running docker-compose stack.
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Sat Nov 11 2017

docker system prune -a will free up significant space on your hard disk if you have a lot of stopped docker containers and dangling volumes etc
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Fri Nov 10 2017

Cypher language, the SQL equivalent for neo4j graph DB is kickass . It allows users to fetch complex join queries in an intuitive way using pattern matching. . Also, neo4j is the DB that helped journalists uncover interesting data relationships that led to paradise papers. This is because neo4j treats relationships as first class citizens and you can query using paths between different data elements. For example, "what is the shortest path between PersonA and PersonB".
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Fri Nov 03 2017

don't use new webpack.optimize.ModuleConcatenationPlugin() in development env, causes memory leak in webpack 3 and build fails
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Wed Oct 18 2017

rspec-rails will lazy load puma from version 3.7.1

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