Thu Feb 20 2025
In Ruby,
You can simply use:
This makes attributes read-only while keeping the class lightweight
#ruby #CU6U0R822
automatically creates a getter method for instance variables, making code cleaner and more concise. Instead of writing:
def some_number
You can simply use:
attr_reader :some_number
This makes attributes read-only while keeping the class lightweight
#ruby #CU6U0R822
Thu Feb 20 2025
Real-time AI response streaming improves user experience by reducing wait times and making interactions feel more dynamic. Instead of waiting for the entire response to be generated before displaying it, streaming allows data to be processed and presented incrementally.
Example of AI response streaming using Nest Js backend and Next JS front end.
Setting Up the NestJS Backend for Streaming AI Responses
How It Works
• The @Post('chat') endpoint listens for chat requests.
• The streamText function sends user messages to OpenAI and receives a streamed response.
• pipeDataStreamToResponse(res) directly streams the AI-generated content to the client as it arrives.
Building the Next.js Frontend for AI Response Streaming
How It Works
• The useChat hook from AI-SDK manages state and streaming logic automatically.
• It sends user messages to the backend and updates the UI in real time as responses arrive.
• The messages array dynamically updates, displaying each chunk of AI-generated text as it's received.
#C08DPTN3JAW #streaming #next js #nest js
Example of AI response streaming using Nest Js backend and Next JS front end.
Setting Up the NestJS Backend for Streaming AI Responses
import { Controller, Post, Body, Res } from '@nestjs/common';
import { openai } from '@ai-sdk/openai';
import { streamText } from 'ai';
import { Response } from 'express';
export class OrchestratorController {
async chat(@Body() payload: any, @Res() res: Response) {
const { messages } = payload;
const result = streamText({
model: openai('gpt-4o'),
result.pipeDataStreamToResponse(res); // Streams the AI response directly to the client
How It Works
• The @Post('chat') endpoint listens for chat requests.
• The streamText function sends user messages to OpenAI and receives a streamed response.
• pipeDataStreamToResponse(res) directly streams the AI-generated content to the client as it arrives.
Building the Next.js Frontend for AI Response Streaming
'use client';
import { useChat } from '@ai-sdk/react';
export default function Home() {
const { messages, input, handleInputChange, handleSubmit } = useChat({
api: 'https://localhost:3000/api/orchestrator/chat', // make the post request to the NestJS backend
return (
{ => (
<div key={}>
{message.role === 'user' ? 'User: ' : 'AI: '}
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
How It Works
• The useChat hook from AI-SDK manages state and streaming logic automatically.
• It sends user messages to the backend and updates the UI in real time as responses arrive.
• The messages array dynamically updates, displaying each chunk of AI-generated text as it's received.
#C08DPTN3JAW #streaming #next js #nest js
Thu Feb 20 2025
Collection caching is a way to speed up rendering multiple items on a page by storing their HTML in cache.
How it works:
1. When we use <%= render partial: 'products/product', collection: @products, cached: true %>, Rails checks if each product's HTML is already stored in the cache.
2. If a product’s HTML is found in the cache, Rails loads it quickly instead of rendering it again.
3. If a product’s HTML is not in the cache, Rails will render it, store it in the cache, and use it next time.
4. The big advantage: Rails fetches all cached products at once (instead of one by one), making it much faster.
#CU6U0R822 #caching #collection_caching
How it works:
1. When we use <%= render partial: 'products/product', collection: @products, cached: true %>, Rails checks if each product's HTML is already stored in the cache.
2. If a product’s HTML is found in the cache, Rails loads it quickly instead of rendering it again.
3. If a product’s HTML is not in the cache, Rails will render it, store it in the cache, and use it next time.
4. The big advantage: Rails fetches all cached products at once (instead of one by one), making it much faster.
#CU6U0R822 #caching #collection_caching
Wed Feb 19 2025
When testing with Capybara, you might need to scroll an element into view before interacting with it. Instead of using JavaScript like:
You can use Capybara's built-in method:
This is available in
Capybara 3.26+
and is the preferred way to ensure visibility before clicking or interacting with an element.
#capybara #CU6U0R822 #C041BBLJ57G
page.execute_script("arguments[0].scrollIntoView(true)", button)
You can use Capybara's built-in method:
scroll_to(button) # Scrolls to the element
This is available in
Capybara 3.26+
and is the preferred way to ensure visibility before clicking or interacting with an element.
#capybara #CU6U0R822 #C041BBLJ57G
Wed Feb 19 2025
In JavaScript, you can use
• Case-insensitive
• Accent-insensitive
No need for
second argument is
Sensitivity is the behaviour of the comparison
#stimulus #JavaScript #StringComparison
with { sensitivity: "base" }
to compare strings without considering case or accents.Example:
"Test".localeCompare("test", undefined, { sensitivity: "base" }) === 0; // ✅ True
"café".localeCompare("cafe", undefined, { sensitivity: "base" }) === 0; // ✅ True
"Hello".localeCompare("HELLO", undefined, { sensitivity: "base" }) === 0; // ✅ True
• Case-insensitive
• Accent-insensitive
No need for
hacks anymore! 🎉second argument is
. by giving it as "Undefined" it uses default locale of the runtime environment. We can specify as "en", "id" etc. It is used in sorting scenarios ig.Sensitivity is the behaviour of the comparison
"base" → Ignores case & accents ("café" == "cafe", "Hello" == "hello")
"accent" → Considers accents but ignores case ("café" != "cafe", "Hello" == "hello")
"case" → Considers case but ignores accents ("café" == "cafe", "Hello" != "hello")
"variant" → Considers both case & accents ("café" != "cafe", "Hello" != "he
#stimulus #JavaScript #StringComparison
Wed Feb 19 2025
By default, Capybara only finds visible and interactable elements. If a button is disabled or outside the viewport, Capybara may fail to locate it.
To fix this, use:
This is useful when testing UI behaviors where buttons are conditionally enabled/disabled or require scrolling to be visible.
#CU6U0R822 #capybara #C041BBLJ57G #specs
To fix this, use:
expect(page).to have_button("Add Discrepancy", disabled: true, visible: :all)
disabled: true
ensures the button is actually disabled •
visible: :all
allows Capybara to find buttons that are hidden, off-screen, or disabledThis is useful when testing UI behaviors where buttons are conditionally enabled/disabled or require scrolling to be visible.
#CU6U0R822 #capybara #C041BBLJ57G #specs
Wed Feb 05 2025
local_assigns :
When using partial views in Rails (like
To avoid this,
Here, the partial checks if show_projects was passed before using it. If show_projects was provided, it renders the user's projects or a message if no projects are found. If show_projects wasn't passed, nothing happens, preventing errors.
When using partial views in Rails (like
), we might pass local variables to customize the rendering. However, if we try to use a local variable that wasn't passed, Rails will raise an error.To avoid this,
is a special hash that helps check if a local variable was provided when rendering the partial. Instead of directly using <%= show_projects %>
, which could cause an error if missing, we can safely check local_assigns[:show_projects]
<% if local_assigns[:show_projects] %>
<%= (render @user.projects) || (render 'shared/empty_state', message: "No projects found!") %>
<% end %>
Here, the partial checks if show_projects was passed before using it. If show_projects was provided, it renders the user's projects or a message if no projects are found. If show_projects wasn't passed, nothing happens, preventing errors.
Mon Jan 27 2025
The Rails 8.0 release introduces several new features, and among them, params#expect stands out.
In our daily work with Rails, we often rely on params#require for assignments and queries. However, params#require is more explicit than permit. Here’s an example to illustrate:
If you expect the posts parameter to contain a list of IDs, such as [{id: 1}, {id: 2}], you can define your expectations like this:
The output will be:
Now, consider a different scenario where you expect the posts parameter to have only a single hash with an ID, like this:
If you use:
It will raise the following error:
ActionController::ExpectedParameterMissing: param is missing or the value is empty or invalid: posts
In contrast, using the older params#permit:
Will not enforce your expectation of the nested parameter structure and will accept it without validation.
In our daily work with Rails, we often rely on params#require for assignments and queries. However, params#require is more explicit than permit. Here’s an example to illustrate:
params = [{id: 1}])
If you expect the posts parameter to contain a list of IDs, such as [{id: 1}, {id: 2}], you can define your expectations like this:
params.expect(posts: [[:id]])
The output will be:
#<ActionController::Parameters {"id"=>1} permitted: true>,
#<ActionController::Parameters {"id"=>2} permitted: true>
Now, consider a different scenario where you expect the posts parameter to have only a single hash with an ID, like this:
params = {id: 1})
If you use:
params.expect(posts: [[:id]])
It will raise the following error:
ActionController::ExpectedParameterMissing: param is missing or the value is empty or invalid: posts
In contrast, using the older params#permit:
params.permit(posts: [:id])
Will not enforce your expectation of the nested parameter structure and will accept it without validation.
Tue Jan 21 2025
Rails Inflections:
What is it? Inflections in Rails, powered by the
Why use it? Sometimes Rails' default pluralization rules don't fit your app's needs (e.g., irregular words like
• Default Behavior:
• Irregular Inflections:
• Uncountable Words:
• Acronym Inflections:
Potential Issues:
• Default Behavior May Be Inaccurate: Without customizing, words like "tooth" become "tooths" or "milk" becomes "milks."
• Localization: Inflections are locale-specific, so customizations for one locale won't apply to others.
Best Practice: Always define rules for edge cases (irregular, uncountable, acronyms) in your
#rails-inflections #active-support #CU6U0R822
What is it? Inflections in Rails, powered by the
module, allow customization of how words are pluralized, singularized, or treated as uncountable.Why use it? Sometimes Rails' default pluralization rules don't fit your app's needs (e.g., irregular words like
→ feet
, uncountable words like milk
• Default Behavior:
"person".pluralize # => "people"
"person".singularize # => "person"
• Irregular Inflections:
ActiveSupport::Inflector.inflections(:en) do |inflect|
inflect.irregular "foot", "feet"
// "foot".pluralize # => "feet"
• Uncountable Words:
ActiveSupport::Inflector.inflections(:en) do |inflect|
inflect.uncountable "milk"
// "milk".pluralize # => "milk"
• Acronym Inflections:
ActiveSupport::Inflector.inflections(:en) do |inflect|
inflect.acronym "HTML5"
// "html5".camelize # => "HTML5"
Potential Issues:
• Default Behavior May Be Inaccurate: Without customizing, words like "tooth" become "tooths" or "milk" becomes "milks."
• Localization: Inflections are locale-specific, so customizations for one locale won't apply to others.
Best Practice: Always define rules for edge cases (irregular, uncountable, acronyms) in your
ans restart the server after changes#rails-inflections #active-support #CU6U0R822
Ashwani Kumar Jha
Fri Jan 17 2025
1. EXPLAIN: shows the query execution plan that PostgreSQL's query planner generates for the specified query. It tells us how PostgreSQL plans to execute the query, including:
◦ What type of scan it will use (sequential scan, index scan)
◦ The estimated cost
◦ The estimated number of rows
2. ANALYZE: actually executes the query and shows the real results, including:
◦ Actual time taken
◦ Actual number of rows processed
When we will run this command, we'll see output that looks something like this:
Here in this output:
• Seq Scan on public.card:
◦ This indicates PostgreSQL is doing a sequential scan (reading the entire table)
◦ cost=0.00..11.75: unit-less value that represents PostgreSQL's estimate of how expensive the query will be
◦ rows=1: PostgreSQL estimates it will find 1 row
◦ width=180: Estimated average width of each row in bytes
◦ actual time=0.016..0.018: Actual time taken (in ms)
◦ rows=1: Actually found 1 row
◦ loops=1: The operation was performed once
• Filter: ((card_number)::text = '120000024223'::text):
◦ Shows the WHERE clause condition being applied
• Rows Removed by Filter: 100:
◦ 100 rows were checked but didn't match the condition
◦ This means the table had 101 total rows (100 filtered + 1 matching)
• Planning Time: 0.152 ms:
◦ Time taken to generate the query execution plan
• Execution Time: 0.034 ms:
◦ Actual time taken to execute the query
This can be used for:
• Debugging performance issues
• Finding bottlenecks in query performance
#PostgreSQL #query
1. EXPLAIN: shows the query execution plan that PostgreSQL's query planner generates for the specified query. It tells us how PostgreSQL plans to execute the query, including:
◦ What type of scan it will use (sequential scan, index scan)
◦ The estimated cost
◦ The estimated number of rows
2. ANALYZE: actually executes the query and shows the real results, including:
◦ Actual time taken
◦ Actual number of rows processed
EXPLAIN ANALYZE select * from public.card
where card_number='120000024223'
When we will run this command, we'll see output that looks something like this:
Seq Scan on public.card (cost=0.00..11.75 rows=1 width=180) (actual time=0.016..0.018 rows=1 loops=1)
Filter: ((card_number)::text = '120000024223'::text)
Rows Removed by Filter: 100
Planning Time: 0.152 ms
Execution Time: 0.034 ms
Here in this output:
• Seq Scan on public.card:
◦ This indicates PostgreSQL is doing a sequential scan (reading the entire table)
◦ cost=0.00..11.75: unit-less value that represents PostgreSQL's estimate of how expensive the query will be
◦ rows=1: PostgreSQL estimates it will find 1 row
◦ width=180: Estimated average width of each row in bytes
◦ actual time=0.016..0.018: Actual time taken (in ms)
◦ rows=1: Actually found 1 row
◦ loops=1: The operation was performed once
• Filter: ((card_number)::text = '120000024223'::text):
◦ Shows the WHERE clause condition being applied
• Rows Removed by Filter: 100:
◦ 100 rows were checked but didn't match the condition
◦ This means the table had 101 total rows (100 filtered + 1 matching)
• Planning Time: 0.152 ms:
◦ Time taken to generate the query execution plan
• Execution Time: 0.034 ms:
◦ Actual time taken to execute the query
This can be used for:
• Debugging performance issues
• Finding bottlenecks in query performance
#PostgreSQL #query
Showing 1 to 5 of 74 results