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Understanding Exit Signals in Erlang/Elixir

Erlang is a powerful concurrent programming language that has Processes as a first class citizen. These are isolated by default. Just like in Unix, these processes can communicate using Signals. In this post we will see how to achieve that in Elixir.


New in ActiveRecord: #in_batches

Rails 5 has a new feature added to ActiveRecord that makes working with batch data much more efficient. The `Model.in_batches` function passes a batch of records wrapped inside an ActiveRecord collection.


DIY Ruby CPU profiling - Part IV

Ruby's TracePoint API is very powerful for building custom profilers. As the final post of the DIY CPU profiler series, this post will introduce how to get method runtime statistics and generate relevant graphs.


DIY Ruby CPU profiling - Part I

Ruby's TracePoint API is very powerful and allows us to write custom profiling code without slowing down the execution of programs. In this post, I will introduce CPU profiling and 2 strategies to write one.


Cake walk: Using bower with rails

Traditionally, Rails 3.x and above come with Sprockets and asset management functions. However, using a JavaScript or CSS library with Sprockets means we'd have to roll them into gems with a specific directory heirarchy. Instead, we can leverage Bower to handle that for us.

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An Introduction to JSON Schema

JSON schema can help bring order to handling complex JSON interactions in APIs. For instance, you can avoid checking the types of incoming JSON and rely on JSON schema to do the validation. This post talks about similar usecases.


Form object validations in Rails 4

Interacting with complex web forms tends to become hairy pretty quickly. Using Form or Service objects to abstract out the complexity can help wrangle complexity. This post talks about how we use them to make code simpler.

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