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Mon Apr 08 2024

Access Kubernetes dashboard on minikube To access the dashboard: minikube dashboard This will enable the dashboard add-on, and open the proxy in the default web browser. #devops #kubernetes

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Fri Apr 05 2024

Today I learnt , REST API endpoints for organization members • It will List all users who are members of an organization. If the authenticated user is also a member of this organization then both concealed and public members will be returned. • The token must have the following permission set: members:read • Request example:

curl -L \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \
  -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \


    "login": "octocat",
    "id": 1,
    "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjE=",
    "avatar_url": "<>",
    "gravatar_id": "",
    "url": "<>",
    "html_url": "<>",
    "followers_url": "<>",
    "following_url": "<{/other_user}>",
    "gists_url": "<{/gist_id}>",
    "starred_url": "<{/owner}{/repo}>",
    "subscriptions_url": "<>",
    "organizations_url": "<>",
    "repos_url": "<>",
    "events_url": "<{/privacy}>",
    "received_events_url": "<>",
    "type": "User",
    "site_admin": false

#githubactionspublic #rest api

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Fri Apr 05 2024

We can leverage the AWS Systems Manager service to execute the Ansible scripts on the EC2 hosts, this removes the overhead of maintaining SSH keys and other instance details. How it is done: • Prerequisites: ◦ EC2 instance should have an IAM role attached for SSM ◦ Ansible should be installed on the instance • In the AWS System Manager go to State Manager and create a new association • The association details will include: association name, Document, Ansible playbook, Target selection, schedule, and Rate control • Based on the Association configuration, the playbook will be executed. #automation #awsssm #ansible

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Wed Apr 03 2024

Securing Sensitive Data in Kubernetes with Base64 Encoding Today I learned that the base64 command can be used in Kubernetes to encode sensitive data such as passwords and API keys when creating secrets. By encoding the sensitive information in base64 format, it can be safely stored in Kubernetes secrets without exposing it in plaintext. This adds an additional layer of security to the sensitive data used by applications running in Kubernetes clusters. echo -n "some_password" | base64 #devops #kubernetes #encoding

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Wed Apr 03 2024

while doing npm install or yarn install we might run into this error mentioned below:

error /Users/<user>/project/node_modules/sharp: Command failed.
Exit code: 127
Command: (node install/libvips && node install/dll-copy && prebuild-install) || (node install/can-compile && node-gyp rebuild && node install/dll-copy)

to fix this just do npm rebuild & then run npm install or yarn install . #sharp-error #npm #node

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Sat Mar 30 2024

git stash want to store commit temporarily then , stashing will save your modifications and revert your working directory to its clean state

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Tue Mar 26 2024

SAP is divided into two types of data: • Master Data - Consists product data , person data (eg: vendor, customer) or place data. • Transaction Data - Consists of quotation , sales order , good issue, good receipt , invoice. #SAP

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Fri Mar 22 2024

Docker Hub & Pushing Docker ImagesWhy We Need Docker Hub: Docker Hub is like a social media platform, but instead of sharing photos or updates, we share Docker images. Docker Hub provides a centralized place for storing and managing these images. We use Docker Hub to: ◦ Share our Docker images with others. ◦ Store different versions of our Docker images. ◦ Access our Docker images from any machine, making deployment and scaling much easier. ◦ Find and use Docker images created by others, which can be very helpful. • How to Push a Docker Image to Docker Hub: To push a Docker image, we follow a few simple steps: a. Log In: Just like logging into your favorite app, we log in to Docker Hub on our computer. b. Tagging: We give our image a label (or a tag) that describes what it is and which version it is—kind of like tagging a friend in a photo docker tag flix-rails:latest nishanthmathiyazhagan/flix-rails:latest c. Pushing: With our image tagged, we ‘push’ it to Docker Hub, which means uploading it so others can download and use it. docker push nishanthmathiyazhagan/flix-rails:latestWhat Happens After Pushing the Image to Docker Hub: Once the image is pushed: ◦ It’s stored in our Docker Hub repository, ◦ Other people can ‘pull’ the image to their own computers or servers to run the application it contains. ◦ If we update the application, we can push the new version to Docker Hub so everyone can get the update. ◦ We can pull it down on any server #devops #docker

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Thu Mar 21 2024

Sidekiq Capsule allows to configure queues to execute jobs serially. Before Sidekiq version 7, to manage dependencies between jobs, a delay was often manually set with set(wait: 30.seconds) to ensure the sequential execution of dependent jobs. This can be achieved now by setting their concurrency to 1.

Sidekiq.configure_server do |config|
  config.capsule("capsule") do |cap|
    cap.concurrency = 1
    cap.queues = %w[capsule-queue]

#rails #sidekiq

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Mon Mar 18 2024

Use pluck to fetch only the necessary columns if you don't need the entire object This reduces memory usage and database load

For example

 adults = User::User.where("age > ?", "18").pluck(:name)

The above code will return an array of name of users who are above age of 18

#rails #db

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