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Mon Mar 18 2024

ps aux | grep defunct displays information about any zombie processes (that have completed execution but still have an entry in the process table with specific PID because, their parent process has not yet collected their exit status) currently running on the system. #devops

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Fri Mar 15 2024

When eslint is not working on your repository in local for any reason you can try restarting the ES Lint Server on VS Code, and if the issue is cause cause server is not reading the config from root directory you can set root: true in your eslint config file, that should resolve the issue. And to fix all your lint issue in a single commit you can use command npx eslint . --fix.

#javascript #eslint

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Fri Mar 15 2024

Rails db:prepare command follows these steps:

  1. It first attempts to run db:migrate to apply any pending migrations. This step ensures that the database schema is up to date with the latest changes defined in your migration files.
  2. If the database does not exist, it falls back to db:setup to create the database, load the schema, and seed it with initial data. This step is crucial for setting up a new database or ensuring that an existing database is correctly initialized. In summary, rails db:prepare is a powerful command for ensuring your database is ready for use in your Rails application #rails
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Thu Mar 14 2024

The rails plugin command simplifies plugin management. Plugins can be installed by name or their repository URLs. You need to have Git installed if you want to install a plugin from a Git repo. $ rails plugin install <> #rails #gem

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Thu Mar 14 2024

Consumable products does not have certain properties such as On Hand & Forecasted while Storable products has it. Reason being, storable product needs accurate inventory tracking where as consumable product focuses on purchase and expense records without maintaining detailed inventory levels.

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Wed Mar 13 2024

To create products in odoo. • Navigate to Products > Products • Click on "New" and fill in the necessary details like product name, sales price, cost, product type and any other relevant information. • Click on "Save". And now the product will be available in the Inventory Adjustment for us to add in stock. #inventory-management #wms #odoo

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Wed Mar 13 2024

Delivery Order in Odoo is used for sending goods from warehouse to customer and external parties, to transfer between warehouses use Internal Transfers in Odoo. #inventory-management #wms #odoo

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Tue Mar 12 2024

If using Podman (instead of Docker for Mac) and trivy for image scanning, trivy expects DOCKER_HOST env variable to be setup for scanning local images and fails unless DOCKER_HOST is pointing to the podman socket.


$ export DOCKER_HOST="unix://$(podman machine inspect --format '{{.ConnectionInfo.PodmanSocket.Path}}')"
$ trivy image image_name

#docker #devops

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Sat Mar 02 2024

atob() function decodes a string of data which was encoded using Base64 encoding and btoa() method encodes the data

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Fri Mar 01 2024

ActiveSupport::TimeZone.all which likely fetches a list of available time zones supported by the ActiveSupport library in rails. • Date::ABBR_DAYNAMES, which is an array containing abbreviated names of the days of the week (e.g., ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"]). This array is provided by Ruby's Date class, making it convenient for developers to access the names of the days without manually typing them out.

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