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Fri Feb 16 2024

To delete a Docker image we can use a command docker rmi [IMAGE_ID or REPOSITORY:TAG] and , To remove all dangling images that consume disk space , can use docker image prune

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Fri Feb 16 2024

forms in rails 7 are now submitted with turbo_stream format. for eg: from the logs: Started POST "/books" for at 2024-02-16 14:44:16 +0530 Processing by BooksController#create as TURBO_STREAM

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Fri Feb 16 2024

To remove rvm and its traces, you can use the rvm command itself: rvm implode This command will remove all traces of rvm from your system.

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Fri Feb 16 2024

difference between oauth/v2/authorize & openid/connect/authorize I am taking the example in context of Slack .

  1. OAuth 2.0 (/oauth/v2/authorize): • Usage: When a third-party application needs to access a user's resources in Slack, it uses the /oauth/v2/authorize endpoint. • Process: The user is prompted to grant the application permission to access their resources. Upon consent, Slack returns an authorization code to the application. This code is then exchanged for an access token, which the application uses to access the user's resources on Slack. • Focus: Purely on granting access to resources (authorization).
  2. OpenID Connect (/openid/connect/authorize): • Usage: When an application not only needs to access resources but also verify the identity of the Slack user, it uses the /openid/connect/authorize endpoint. • Process: Similar to OAuth 2.0, but in addition to granting access, this process authenticates the user and returns an ID token along with an authorization code. The ID token contains claims about the user's identity, which can be used by the application to verify who the user is. • Focus: On both verifying user identity (authentication) and granting access to resources (authorization).
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Fri Feb 16 2024

Launching an NGINX pod imperatively (directly from the command line) can be done using the kubectl run nginx-pod --image=nginx --restart=Never

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Thu Feb 15 2024

Ensure that Docker Desktop is running before executing the docker build command.

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Thu Feb 15 2024

Redis Cache : One of the most common use cases for Redis is caching frequently accessed data to reduce the load on databases and speed up response times

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Wed Feb 14 2024

export TF_LOG=DEBUG this sets the TF_LOG environment variable to DEBUG, instructing Terraform to output detailed debug logs during its execution( Terraform apply ). unset TF_LOG this unsets (removes) the TF_LOG environment variable, effectively turning off debug logging for Terraform execution.

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