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Wed Dec 13 2023

below are the generator helper methods used to perform various actions in files and directories • copy_file • create_file • insert_into_file • inside • gsub_file

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Tue Dec 12 2023

generate generator by doing bin/rails generate generator initializer . This will create the below files for you

create  lib/generators/initializer
create  lib/generators/initializer/initializer_generator.rb
create  lib/generators/initializer/USAGE
create  lib/generators/initializer/templates
create  spec/generator/initializers_generator_spec.rb
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Mon Dec 04 2023

How we can Set up Puma as Systemd service in Ubuntu 18 for Rails application, The main purpose is , • to ensure it starts automatically on boot, • can be managed easily with systemd's service management commands, • It also allows for better process management, automatic restarts in case of failure, and logging capabilities, • few set of commands used to create puma.service file and getting it started: for file creation : /etc/systemd/system/puma.service sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable puma sudo service puma start sudo service puma status

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Thu Nov 30 2023

Retrieving Command History with FZF Command: To view the command history, we can use the following command: history | fzf Note: Ensure that you have FZF installed before. It provides an efficient way to navigate through past commands.

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Thu Nov 30 2023

Components: Components are user interface elements that can be reused throughout the design file. They make design more consistent and allow for more rapid modifications. Components can be made from a layer , groups or frames.

• Generally, there are two sorts of components:

  1. Main Component: It is normally built first and is responsible for specifying several UI styles in the UI element.
  2. Instance Component: This is the single occurrence main component. When the main component is modified. It is automatically applied to the instance component. However, modifications to Instance components must be made manually.

The changes we make to the instance component are referred to as override. When we override an instance component and afterwards make modifications to the main component, the override does not change.

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Thu Nov 30 2023

Lambda A lambda is a way to define a block & its parameters with some special syntax. You can save this lambda into a variable for later use. The syntax for defining a Ruby lambda looks like this:

say_something = -> { puts "This is a lambda" }
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Thu Nov 30 2023

Scopes Scopes are custom queries that you define inside your Rails models with the scope method. Every scope takes two arguments:

  1. A name, which you use to call this scope in your code.
  2. A lambda, which implements the query. It looks like this:
class Fruit < ApplicationRecord  
   scope :with_juice, -> { where("juice > 0") }
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Thu Nov 30 2023

RSpec double is a method provided by the RSpec library for creating test doubles, also known as mocks. Test doubles are objects that stand in for real objects in your system during tests.

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Wed Nov 29 2023

if we are using tailwindcss-rails gem we don't need cssbundling-rails gem because tailwindcss-rails gem is a standalone version of Tailwind CSS that integrates with rails asset pipeline. It's a simpler and more direct alternative for rails applications because it doesn't require Node.js at all.

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