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Fri Nov 24 2023

Removing swap files form the merge

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Wed Nov 22 2023

The basic principles for User Interface design

  1. Hierarchy: User should be able to distinguish between important and less important information at a glance. The UI hierarchy should highlight what the user cares about the most.
  2. Contrast: To draw attention to important content or features.
  3. Alignment: Proper alignment helps with readability.
  4. Clarity: There should not be anything that will confuse the user. We should try to provide a design that user can understand easily by taking a glance at it.
  5. White space: For a design to work better. It needs to have a adequate amount of space between it's content.
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Wed Nov 22 2023

Add the `:environment` task as dependency for Rake task to access models.

desc "count number of users"
task :count_users do
  puts User. count # NameError: uninitialized constant User (NameError)

To make the models available, tell Rails to load the environment before running the task.
desc "count number of users"
task count_users: [:environment] do
  puts User. count
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Tue Nov 21 2023

How to enable web view to inspect website which is open on iphone

  1. you have to first go to your iphone setting and search for the safari then then you got the advance option click on that then you got the web inspector enable that option.
  2. now connect your iphone with your mac and now open the safari browser in the mac
  3. Now click on safari option in the mac then click on preferences and go to Advance option and enable the show develop menu on menu bar now you have the develop option on you mac safari menu bar.
  4. Now click on the develop option and you get your iphone option and now you will able to inspect your website which is open in your iphone This is helpful to resolved bug which is only happen on iphones
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Sat Nov 18 2023

HIGH LEVEL DESIGN It is simply a blueprint for the system. In other words, a generic system design that describes the overall architecture and design of a system.

  1. System - is a set of components put together to build a product/feature.
  2. Feature - is a set of requirement to be satisfied. System Design is necessary to ensure that a system meets specific requirements, such as performance, reliability, scalability, and maintainability. Without a clear blueprint, a system may not work as intended, leading to performance issues in the future, downtime, etc.

High-level design also includes:

  1. Overall Architecture.
  2. Database design
  3. Main Components
  4. Services and platforms
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Wed Nov 15 2023

How we can change the default Sqlite database to Postgresql database in Ruby on Rails , • Make sure homebrew is installed . • Install Postgresql , brew install postgresql • Start the postgresql , brew services start postgresql • Make changes to postgresql database in the database.yml file • Add rails db:seed to ensure your data gets reset and is visible on the browser .

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Thu Nov 09 2023

The underscore ( _ ) in Rails , simply gives you the return value of the last evaluation made in the console. irb(main):015> movie.title => "Avengers: Endgame" irb(main):016> _ => "Avengers: Endgame"

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Thu Nov 09 2023

AWS (KMS ) Key Managament Service

We are using Key Management Service to encrypt sensitive data stored in an S3 bucket, you can use KMS to create a key, and then configure the S3 bucket to use that key for encryption. This way, only authorized users with the right permissions can access and decrypt the data.

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Thu Nov 09 2023

AWS (KMS ) Key Managament Service

We are using Key Management Service to encrypt sensitive data stored in an S3 bucket, you can use KMS to create a key, and then configure the S3 bucket to use that key for encryption. This way, only authorized users with the right permissions can access and decrypt the data.

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Wed Nov 08 2023

ParameterMissing we can resolve error , param is missing or the value is empty this indicates that we should give the proper name value to params which is same assign to our model .

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