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Mon Nov 06 2023

Routes - Linking Pages where we can , • Link to Index Page: Use the link_to helper in the view to create a link that navigates to the index page, displaying a list of items. • Link Index Page to Show Page: Utilize the link_to helper in the index page to link each item to its respective show page, allowing users to view detailed information about each item. • Add a Root Route: To replace the default Rails welcome page , with usually the page that shows a list of items or the index page by defining a root route in the routes file.

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Fri Nov 03 2023

To add the image or logo which are inside app/assets/images we need not to copy the path , we can just copy the name of an image 'logo.png' and put inside the image_tag <%= image_tag("logo.png") %> when you run the server the logo will be visible on the browser .

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Sun Oct 29 2023

models generating a model and migration , running a migration, CRUD records in the database different ways. Connecting MVC the goal is to show information that's in the database.

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Sun Oct 29 2023

models generating a model and migration , running a migration, CRUD records in the database different ways.

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Sat Oct 28 2023

Critical Rendering Path

In each HTTP request that browser makes for an HTML page, the server returns the data into bytes, these bytes are then converted to Characters, Tokens, Nodes, and finally DOM (Document Object Model).

Once the DOM is generated, the parsing of the page starts, the HTML contains CSS code or links, JavaScript code or links, media elements such as images, etc, each of them is then parsed separately and plugged together to create a render tree, which is then converted to the layout and then is painted on the screen at the refresh rate of 60 frames per second.

This complete process is called a critical rendering path. Optimizing the critical rendering path helps to load the web page faster and without glitches or janks.

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Thu Oct 26 2023

views-and-controllers all the major stages a request goes through when it enters a Rails app. Like adding route to handle requests , generating controller , worked on first view template .

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Thu Oct 26 2023

rm -rf .git by running this command you are essentially deleting the entire Git repository, including all the commit history, configuration files, and any other Git-related data, from the current directory as it permanently removes the Git version control .

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Wed Oct 25 2023

In fly if your machine has stopped , we can restart the machine by redeploying the app.

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Tue Oct 24 2023

Dart has three types of variables, var, final and const

  1. var is used for dynamic typing, allowing the type of the variable to be inferred at runtime.
  2. final is used to declare a variable that can only be assigned once. It must be initialised when declared, and its value cannot change.
  3. const is used to declare a compile-time constant. It must be initialised with a constant value, and its value cannot change.
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Mon Oct 23 2023

In TypeScript, type annotations are removed when transpiling to JavaScript. This make us believe that type information is lost in JavaScript runtime. However, TypeScript offers a compiler option called emitDecoratorMetadata that, when enabled, emits metadata about the types used in our code. This metadata is accessible at runtime using reflect-metadata library. Libraries like class-transformer and class-validator leverage this metadata to transform plain JavaScript objects into instances of specific classes and validate them against certain rules. Even though TypeScript types don't exist at runtime, the information about those types does, this provide us a more structured and safe way of working with data in JavaScript.

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