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Thu Jul 20 2023

Error Monitoring in Bugsnag works similar to Sentry and the commonly used method is bugsnag.notify() . It also takes an error object and captures it as an event. And we can set it up for different environments by using ENV (similar to sentry) or manually configure it as well. FYI: Sentry has a broader approval by developers.


try {
  // Some code here
} catch (error) {
      new Error(`Error ${error} while sending Standup popup`)
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Thu Jul 20 2023

In Sentry we have two methods available, captureException() and captureMessage().

  1. captureException() method is used to explicitly report errors and exceptions. We can pass an Error object to captureException() to capture it as an event in Sentry.
  2. captureMessage() method is used to capture a simple message for debugging purposes. Typically, messages captured with captureMessage() are not emitted as events. We can additionally add severity level to this. Available levels are "fatal", "error", "warning", "log", "info", and "debug".
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Fri Jul 14 2023

Local storage does not work right off the bat when we render a web page within an App. App Dev will have to ensure that DOM storage is enable for it to work.

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Thu Jun 29 2023

While writing Cypress test we generally create a cypress.env.json file to store the environment variables.

  "BASE_URL": "",
  "USER_EMAIL": "",
  "USER_PASSWORD": "Test@12345",

To retrieve the value of our environment variable, we use the Cypress.env method in the test file.

const baseUrl = Cypress.env('BASE_URL');

That's all we need to do locally to use the env vars in our Cypress test.

Now for CI, we can save these environment variables as Github action secrets.

To make these environment variables accessible from Github action secrets to our test, we need to keep a few things in mind.

• Add a value of empty string to the env vars and expose the cypress.env.json file.

       "BASE_URL": "",
       "USER_EMAIL": "",
       "USER_PASSWORD": "",

• We need to add CYPRESS_ prefix to the env vars in the yml file.

       CYPRESS_BASE_URL: ${{ secrets.BASE_URL }}
       CYPRESS_USER_EMAIL: ${{ secrets.USER_EMAIL }}

Happy testing!

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Fri Jun 23 2023

If Postgres logical replication is enabled via pglogical extension, below query can be used to check the size WAL Folder. select sum(size) from pg_ls_waldir(); (Response to the query is in Bytes)

This is the folder where the WAL logs are stored, which is utilized for postgres data replication from master to slave. In case there is any lag or problems with replication the logs will get accumulating in the folder, spiking the disk storage and can cause downtime of the database it self.

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Thu Jun 22 2023

In the first server-side rendering (SSR) page render, the router.query may not be populated immediately. To handle this scenario, we can add a check to ensure that the redirection happens only on the client-side, once the router.query values are available.

import { useEffect } from 'react';
import { useRouter } from 'next/router';

export const ResetPasswordPage = () => {
  const { push, query, isReady } = useRouter();
  const { username, code } = query as ResetPasswordPageQuery;
  useEffect(() => {
    if (isReady && (!username || !code)) {
  }, [isReady, username, code, push]);

Here the isReady property from useRouter is used to determine if the router is ready and router.query is populated. This way, the initial SSR render won't trigger the redirection, and the user will be redirected to the login page only on the client-side if the necessary parameters are missing from the URL.

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Fri Jun 16 2023

Open PR from CLI • brew install hub • git config --global hub.protocol https • hub pull-request (Will create PR for the current branch)

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Mon Jun 12 2023

Term called fuzzy searching fuzzy searching (more formally known as approximate string matching) is the technique of finding strings that are approximately equal to a given pattern (rather than exactly).

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