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Fri Feb 10 2023

Linked Lists

Linked list are a linear data structure like arrays. But unlike arrays they are not stored in a single place in memory. They are made up of connected nodes, where each node consists of data and address of the next node.

Why do we need Linked List?

• Arrays can store the similar data but they have an upper limit, we need to speculate the size of array in advance, and the allocated memory is generally equal to the speculated size of the array • Inserting and deleting data in between of Array is tedious, but in case of Linked List if we have the head node we can traverse to any node through it and insert new node

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Thu Feb 09 2023

Set log level carefully, because depending on the level some logs may never be passed to the backend and will be unavailable for future debugging.

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Wed Feb 08 2023

We can use git shortlog instead of git log to group commits by author using --group=author option.

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Mon Feb 06 2023

we can pin specific docker image to use by tagging the commit SHA

  stage: build
  image: docker@sha256:the_sha
    - docker:dind@sha256:the_sha
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Mon Feb 06 2023

To get help on gitlab CI the forum link is

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Mon Jan 16 2023

Aliases in Graphql. Let’s say we have a query that return us the cars Data. If we add both the queries, we will get an error. Fields "cars" conflict because they have differing arguments. Use different aliases on the fields to fetch both if this was intentional. UseCase Example: :point_down:This will throw error

  cars(filter: "name = Cars") {
    edges {
      node {
  cars {
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Sat Jan 14 2023

test revalidate NEXT

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