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Mon Jan 16 2023

Aliases in Graphql.
Let’s say we have a query that return us the cars Data. If we add both the queries, we will get an error.
Fields "cars" conflict because they have differing arguments. Use different aliases on the fields to fetch both if this was intentional.
UseCase Example:
👇This will throw error

  cars(filter: "name = Cars") {
    edges {
      node {
  cars {

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Sat Jan 14 2023

test revalidate NEXT
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Wed Jan 11 2023

When using dynamic classnames, further conditions can be added depending on whether the initial condition is true or false.


{icons && any, index: number) => {
      return (
{icon.icon} {}
); })}

If the expression index % 2 (modulus) evaluates to true, the class name col-span-4 will be added. The second className which is col-span-3 and it is added if the expression !(index % 2) evaluates to true. However the ! mark changes the Boolean to false

So class col-span-4 is added when the index is even, whereas the class col-span-3 is added when the index is odd.
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Wed Jan 11 2023

Using Material UI to create an interface, use the icons, buttons, layouts, navigation and other MUI components. Using the sx prop to add css to individual components without using styled or tailwind classes.
install MUI:

npm install @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled 

import the suitable components:

import { Box, IconButton, Paper, Typography } from "@mui/material";

simply use them like normal tags and add inline styles using the sx prop. The sx prop allows us to use a superset of css classes making it very intuitive to use.


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Wed Jan 11 2023


We can use the React.Children APIs to modify elements created by React before they’re rendered. It provides utilities for dealing with the this.props.children opaque data structure.

For example :-


Returns the total number of components in children, equal to the number of times that a callback passed to map or forEach would be invoked
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Wed Jan 11 2023

Using Material UI to create an interface, use the icons, buttons, layouts, navigation and other MUI components and adding styles using the sx prop.
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Tue Jan 10 2023

I discovered that manipulating the elements is possible with React.cloneElement() function. This can be used when a parent component wants to add or change the props of its children.

React.cloneElement(element, [props], [...children])

The function mentioned above makes a clone of the first parameter which is element and returns an element with the desired changes. We can further pass props to it as well.

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