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Tue Jan 08 2019

bash stands for : Bourne Again SHell

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Tue Jan 08 2019

when you have mulitple GPG keys use git config --local user.signingkey <key id> to set for per repo basis. To get the key id gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format LONG <email> form the response first line sec 4096R/0C925B3BF9CD5924 2019-01-08 the key id will be 0C925B3BF9CD5924

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Thu Jan 03 2019

In order to delete untracked files, I use this for f in $(git ls-files . --exclude-standard --others); do rm $f; done. Is there any simpler version?

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Wed Jan 02 2019

cp -p preserves file attributes(e.g. modification time) while copying files

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Sat Dec 29 2018

git fetch origin pull/<pr-id>/head:<local branch name> to checkout github pull request to local branch without adding the fork to your remote.

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Fri Dec 14 2018 “Expose local servers to the internet No installation, no signup, and persistent subdomains too!”

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