Wed Aug 07 2019
https://saaspages.xyz is a website that collects best practices for SaaS websites, like hero sections, pricing, faq, etc
Wed Aug 07 2019
https://saaspages.xyz is a website that collects best practices for SaaS websites, like hero sections, pricing, faq, etc
Wed Aug 07 2019
https://saaspages.xyz is a website that collects best practices for SaaS websites, like hero sections, pricing, faq, etc
Tue Aug 06 2019
https://github.com/sl1pm4t/k2tf : Nifty tool to convert yaml to hcl. Useful when incorporating kubernetes provider
Wed Jul 31 2019
To debug your compiled elixir code inside a container you can run the executable file with
argument to get a remote shell.atul
Wed Jul 31 2019
To debug your compiled elixir code inside a container you can run the executable file with
argument to get a remote shell.goromlagche
Wed Jul 17 2019
\p{} matches a character’s Unicode script. You can use \p{Tibetan}] to match for tibetan scripts https://ruby-doc.org/core-2.6.3/Regexp.html
Wed Jun 26 2019
Kubernetes secret management - Store your AWS or any other keys, secret in kubernetes secret(
kubectl get secret
) base64 encoded and define an environment variable in kubernetes config to access them in your app.https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/secret
Tue Jun 25 2019
text-transform: capitalize
won't capitalize the text if the whole content is already in upper case
. will see the difference only if content is lower case https://jsbin.com/nemaqaf/edit?html,css,js,outputamit
Tue Jun 11 2019
Difference between match.url and match.path, which to use: https://css-tricks.com/react-router-4/#article-header-id-7
Showing 46 to 48 of 73 results