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Wed Jun 20 2018 especially git diff --cached master is very useful,

  1. if you do not like to look at web-ui for diff and
  2. has a quite a bit code which you dont want to stage atm.
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Wed Jun 20 2018

rubocop -a can autocorrect many kinds of issues.

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Tue Jun 19 2018

ActiveRecord update_all does not touch updated_at

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Tue Jun 19 2018


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Sat Jun 16 2018

If one wants to run iex without starting any applications iex -S mix run --no-start is very handy

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Thu Jun 14 2018

For models A and B, if A has_one B, then wont work. You have to say

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Mon Jun 11 2018

Sidekiq processes jobs in a multithreaded process. Which means there is no guarantee that the jobs that are enqueued will processed in the same order. So you'd need to consider the aspect of context switch that can happen and thus make sure that the worker code is thread safe.

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Tue May 22 2018

Today I came to know that the name of process which takes care of clipboard is called pboard on mac. If clipboard is acting funny, just kill this process!

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Thu May 17 2018

while tesing with enzyme if you are unit testing your component method with component.instance().methodName() always double check if the method that you are testing have access to "this" variable manually. Currently even if it does not have "this" access the test will pass

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