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Fri Apr 20 2018

a decent spreadsheet writer gem for ruby,, ran some rough benchmarks, and this one is the fastest and lowest memory consuming gem. although not feature complete.

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Tue Apr 10 2018

there are command-line options which you can add to bash scripts, can be added in the header like #!/bin/bash -e

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Tue Apr 10 2018

set -x is very useful while writing shell scripts. It echos commands being run (even in for loops) which helps in debugging. Put this at the top of script file, and see the magic!

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Tue Apr 10 2018 not a TIL, but lost and found it only today. This is a reverse tool that can be run on minified JS to get some more human readable ouput

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Mon Apr 09 2018

You can scope relations like has_many, has_one and belongs_to. Eg: has_one :policy, -> { where active: true }

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Tue Apr 03 2018

We can make use of ActiveRecord's unscoped method to accept a blocks, such that we can obtain associations bypassing the default scope on the associations.

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