Thu Jul 05 2018
There is something called QoS for pods using which we can prevent unwanted rescheduling of pods
Tue Jun 26 2018
you can use GCP cloud shell and use it to run kubectl commands instead of having to create a k8s context on your local kubectl CLI tool. This is very useful for doing some adhoc debugging on a k8s cluster you have access to. Just login to google cloud using google auth, and then click on "Connect" next to the cluster you want to connect to, then use cloud shell.
Tue Jun 26 2018
We can leverage structs in ruby to encapsulate and hold internal class data into a struct object. Since struct saves us from writing attr_accessor methods or initializer method, we can easily leverage it when in need of a temporary data structure and need to have the data grouped.
Tue Jun 26 2018
If you are using materialize, you need to initialize the select element with
. Otherwise the select box will not get rendered.akshay
Mon Jun 25 2018
Elixir and Erlang has a limit on the number of atoms that can be created. We can view the atom limit using :erlang.system_info(:atom_limit). Atom's text value is stored in the atom table and this is not garbage collected. This explains why user inputs to phoenix routes are to be matched with strings rather than atoms.
Wed Jun 20 2018
https://makandracards.com/makandra/5365-git-diff-staged-changes especially
1. if you do not like to look at web-ui for diff and
2. has a quite a bit code which you dont want to stage atm.
git diff --cached master
is very useful, 1. if you do not like to look at web-ui for diff and
2. has a quite a bit code which you dont want to stage atm.
Wed Jun 20 2018
rubocop -a
can autocorrect many kinds of issues.mrinmoy
Tue Jun 19 2018
ActiveRecord update_all does not touch updated_at
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