Random Ruby tips from trenches #1
by Hemant,
Rubocop and Flycheck :
is a emacs mode which helps
us with IDE like warnings in Emacs. I am already using enh-ruby-mode
which helps
with some of the syntax errors and stuff, but what is nice about flycheck
it integrates with rubocop
and shows rubocop
errors in-place in the editor.
A picture is worth thousand words so:

pry ––gem:
pry --gem
opens a pry session with ./lib
added to $LOAD_PATH
and 'require's the gem.
A good shortcut while working on gems and you want a quick console with the gem loaded.
ruby –S :
This can be used for running binaries which are present in local directory. For example,
if you are working on bundler
and want to run bundle
command with local version of
bundler rather than one installed globally you can use:
ruby -S ./bin/bundle -I ./lib/ install
The advantages are:
ruby -S
allows you to ignore#!/usr/bin/env ruby
line and even if current version of ruby is X usingruby -S
you can run the command with another version of Ruby. Especially useful for running scripts with JRuby, Rbx etc. -
Based on
environment variable running a script viaruby -S
(orjruby -S
) allowsPATH
environment to be modified. For example runningjruby -S gem
does not rungem
which is in current path, but it runsgem
command provided by JRuby because JRuby defines differentRUBYPATH
Faster rbenv load :
If you are using rbenv
and there is a lag while opening a new shell, consider
updating the rbenv initializing line in your shell profile to:
eval "$(rbenv init - --no-rehash)"
The --no-rehash
flag tells rbenv
to skip automatic rehash when opening a new
shell and speeds up the process. This also speeds up VIM if you are using
vim-rails or