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Tue Feb 13 2024

terraform workspace show command is used to display the name of the current workspace. terraform workspace new <name> command is used when you want to create new workspace. terraform workspace list command used to list all the workspaces. terraform workspace select example1 can switch between the workspaces.

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Mon Feb 12 2024

The docker-compose up command starts and runs all the services defined in a docker-compose.yml file, creating and starting containers. docker-compose up -d command which starts the containers in the background and leaves them running (daemon processes) .

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Thu Feb 08 2024

"terraform init -backend-config=backend.hcl" command initializes your Terraform directory and configures its backend according to the settings specified in the backend.hcl file, for managing infrastructure. then , If you wish to attempt automatic migration of the state, use the command "terraform init -migrate-state"

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Thu Feb 08 2024

Jenkins is a self-hosted CI/CD automation server, serving as an alternative to cloud-based services like GitHub Actions

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Thu Feb 08 2024

Related to Auth0 and react-auth0 sdk To add a custom parameter to the authentication endpoint of which auth0 interacts we can pass it like this in the object

authorizationParams: {
          screen_hint: "signup",
          ui_locales: "en",
          custom_param: "custom_param",

authorizationParams object is used in methods loginWithRedirect, withAuthenticationRequired provided by @auth0/auth0-react

once the custom parameter is passed we can see it in /authorize endpoint when we open the Universal login or signup form from Auth0

If we want to take any custom actions based on this custom parameter we can access it in Auth0 post login custom actions

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Thu Feb 08 2024

The docker build -f command is used to specify the name of the Dockerfile to use for building a Docker image. This flag allows you to specify the path to the Dockerfile that you want to use for building the image. However, if you have a Dockerfile with a different name or located in a different directory, you can use the -f flag followed by the path to the Dockerfile.

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Wed Feb 07 2024

Storing Terraform State in S3 with Encryption and DynamoDB Locking , instead of Storing locally : To improve security , you can configure Terraform to store its state file in an AWS S3 bucket with encryption and use DynamoDB for state locking. This setup prevents local state file risks, enables team access, and avoids state conflicts.

syntax : 

 terraform {
      backend "<BACKEND_NAME>" {
example :

terraform {
  backend "s3" {
    bucket         = "my-terraform-state"
    key            = "state/production/terraform.tfstate"
    region         = "us-east-1"
    encrypt        = true
    dynamodb_table = "my-terraform-lock"
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Tue Feb 06 2024

act utility can be used to simulate GitHub Actions locally, for testing the GitHub workflows.

To install act on Mac: brew install act To use the act navigate to the GitHub repo and use act -l to list all jobs To run any particular job: act -j job_id To run a job on any particular platform: act -j job_id -P <image>

[To run the jobs locally, docker must be running on the system.]

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Tue Feb 06 2024

square brackets [ ] indicate that the entire expression within them is optional example : FROM [--platform=<platform>] <image> [AS <name>] here , you can choose whether or not to include the --platform=&lt;platform&gt;

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Tue Feb 06 2024

When ActiveJob is set to :inline it does not depends upon a scheduler anymore. Use perform_later as per your requirements and that will perform the job instantly.

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