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Thu Jan 18 2024

The web-socket APIs in AWS API Gateway service use different integrations to send the incoming requests to backend service. Two of them being HTTP and HTTP_PROXY. key difference lies in how the communication between API Gateway and the backend service is handled. HTTP integration involves translating WebSocket requests into HTTP requests, while HTTP proxy integration forwards WebSocket requests directly to the backend service without modification

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Wed Jan 17 2024

While using tfenv tool for using multiple terraform version, we can use TFENV_ARCH variable to set the system architecture. This helps a lot when we need to use terraform amd64 binary on the arm64 device. eg: to use amd64 binary for terraform 0.14.0, we can use the following command: TFENV_ARCH=amd64 tfenv install 0.14.0

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Mon Jan 15 2024

In Next.js, we can organize our routes into groups without affecting the URL path. This can be done by wrapping a folder's name in parentheses, like (group).

Let's say we have an e-commerce application, we might have different sections like "electronics", and "clothing". Even though these sections have different URLs, we can group them in our code using route groups.

app/ ├─ (electronics)/ │ ├─ electronic1/ │ │ ├─ page.tsx │ ├─ electronic2/ │ │ ├─ page.tsx ├─ (clothings)/ │ ├─ clothing1/ │ │ ├─ page.tsx │ ├─ clothing2/ │ │ ├─ page.tsx

In this structure, the URL paths will be /electronic1, /electronic2, /clothing1, /closthin2 etc, regardless of the category they belong to.

While route groups don't affect the URL structure, they still allow us to create different layouts for each group by adding a layout.js file inside their folders.

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Sat Jan 13 2024

In order to check DNS settings and the resolved IPs, visit about:networking#dns in Firefox

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Fri Jan 12 2024

we can interact with browser events like click on a element in rails using Stimulus Make sure you have @hotwired/stimulus installed . Generate a stimulus controller by running the below commands.

./bin/rails generate stimulus controllerName
./bin/rails stimulus:manifest:update

Here , say my controllerName is tooltip , this will create a controller called tooltip_controller.js in app/javascripts/controllers directory & also link the file in app/javascripts/controllers/index.js .

For eg: my functionality is i want to toggle the tooltip visibility so the controller code will look like this

import { Controller } from "@hotwired/stimulus";

// Connects to data-controller="tooltip"
export default class extends Controller {
  connect() {}

  toggleToolTip(event) {

And in your view file we need to wrap our parent div with an attribute called data-controller="tooltip" so the code will look like this

<div class="relative" data-controller="tooltip">
        <%= link_to "#", id: "avatar-link", data: { action: "click->tooltip#toggleToolTip" } do %>
          <%= image_tag(your_image, alt: "Avatar", class: "...classnames") %>
        <% end %>
        <div class="..classnames hidden" id="tooltip-container">
          ... your tooltip contents

so here on click of the image it will toggle the tooltip container , if you take a close look on -> data: { action: "click->tooltip#toggleToolTip" } this is simply saying perform the click action on tooltip controller using toggleToolTip method defined above.

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Mon Jan 08 2024

AWS DeepLens is a deep learning-enabled video camera designed for developers to get hands-on experience with machine learning. What makes it intriguing is that it brings machine learning capabilities directly to the edge. With DeepLens, you can build and deploy deep learning models on the device itself, allowing it to process and analyze video streams in real-time

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Tue Dec 26 2023

we need to add chat:write scope in bot token scopes, so that our bot can send messages in the channel when it is mentioned.

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Tue Dec 26 2023

with modern Sign in with Slack we need to request the OpenID scopes—openid, email, and profile.

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Tue Dec 26 2023

writing integration specs using RSpec and Capybara.

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Tue Dec 26 2023

we need to add the user scopes email & profile when we are using the slack openid.connect.userInfo api method.

Showing 19 to 21 of 66 results