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Tue Jun 06 2023

I learned how to use promise.all to combine multiple api calls. Learned how to made api endpoint by using app directory and page directory in Next Js.

Learned how to implement slack bolt app with next js using the bolt http runner npm package

Learned how to use node-cron to schedule message

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Sat Jun 03 2023

The Active Record Pattern popularised by Ruby on Rails goes against the modularity provided by Nest.Js.

Nest.js encourages the use of the Repository pattern.

Data Mapper/Repository pattern:

• Separates data access logic from business logic • Data Mapper: Maps data between domain objects and the database • Repository: Provides methods for querying and manipulating domain objects • Promotes separation of concerns, testability, and maintainability Active Record:

• Combines data access and business logic within domain objects • Domain objects encapsulate database interactions • Simplifies development by allowing direct manipulation of objects • Can make separation of concerns and independent testing more challenging

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Thu Jun 01 2023

Etag HTTP Header

  • Etag (also known as entity tag) is a unique identifier for a resource
  • This is used to cache the resources that are unchanged
  • When a request is recieved by server, it generates response and attaches Etag
  • In the subsequent request, application requests for the same resource with If-None-Match header with the value of Etag received in previous step
  • Server compares the value of If-None-match header with Etag identifier value on server
  • If the values match server responds with 304(Not modified) status code with the empty body
  • Application can use the cached response
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Thu Jun 01 2023

Get all TODO comments in rails application using rails notes

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Wed May 31 2023

  1. Learned how to use the slack api.
  2. Learned how to send message on user command through the slack bot.
  3. Learned how to setup and use incoming web hook for slack bot.
  4. Learned How to post message in channel using the incoming web hook.
  5. Learned how to do post req using the axios.
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Tue May 30 2023

  1. Learned how to make slack bot.
  2. Learned how to use slack bot.
  3. Learned how to add slack bot to the workspace and channel .
  4. Learned how to use brew
  5. Learned how to use ngrok and redirect the local host port to the ngrok url.
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Mon May 22 2023

  1. i learned how to do filtering and sorting with the api by passing params.
  2. i learned how to write test cases for the components like filtering and sorting.
  3. i learned how to mock api using the jest.
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Wed May 17 2023

1.Tomorrow, I learnt how to utilise a single component to prevent code repetition and use that component in every component to prevent code repetition, 2. To make the API scalable, we need to create various methods to call it if I had many end points.

Showing 29 to 31 of 66 results