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Fri Feb 07 2020

cat k8s.yaml | kubectl apply -f-

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Thu Jan 23 2020

revive stuck terminals : eg - In case you loose your ssh connection and your terminal is stuck, but would like to continue on the same terminal without closing it.

press "(esc) (enter) (shift + `) (.)" ignore brackets : 
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Thu Jan 09 2020 Yesterday I came across this. Seems like a good way to reason about webpack, serverless, and blockchains :slightly_smiling_face:

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Fri Dec 20 2019

In ActiveRecord when using default scope filters, be careful in left_joins queries. As the scope would show up the join on clause.

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Wed Nov 27 2019

Protocol buffers are a lightweight alternative to JSON format to share data between systems. You get the advantage of not having to write out serializers and deserializers by making use of a schema like contract file .proto. This file can be shared and used by protobuf compilers that de/serialize data into language of our choice.

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Wed Nov 27 2019

Protocol buffers are a lightweight alternative to JSON format to share data between systems. You get the advantage of not having to write out serializers and deserializers by making use of a schema like contract file .proto. This file can be shared and used by protobuf compilers that de/serialize data into language of our choice.

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