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Sun Feb 26 2023

As a Next.js app can be executed on both the server and the client side. When the app is rendered on the server, there is no access to the browser-specific features like localStorage, as it is a feature of the client-side browser environment.

So let's say, if we try to use localStorage in a Next.js app, we may encounter issues when the app is being server-side rendered.

To avoid this problem, we can check if localStorage is available before using it in our Next.js app.

if(typeoflocalStorage!== 'undefined') { 
// Use localStorage here

This way, our app will only use localStorage when it is available, and avoid errors when it is not.
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Sat Feb 18 2023

Bring the suspended server to foreground using fg command. Say the server is running and we want to install a package

1. Ctrl+Z
2. yarn add jsonwebtoken
3. fg

And the server resumes
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Mon Feb 13 2023

We handle navigation in Gatsby using the Link Component. So if we put both external and internal links in the Link element, we receive the following warning in the console:
External Link was detected in a link component. Use the link component only for internal links.

This is because the Link component is designed to interact with Gatsby's client-side navigation, which is better for single-page apps and uses the window.history API to update the URL without reloading the entire page.

So in case of external links, we should prefer a simple a tag and pass the href attribute.

Also gatsby prefetches the linked pages by starting a low priority request over a link, when we take the mouse on it onMouseOver, it makes the request high priority.
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Mon Feb 13 2023

Difference between DOM element properties clientWidth clientHeight , offsetWidth offsetHeight , scrollWidth scrollHeight

clientWidth /clientHeight is the visual portion of box content, borders and scrollbars not included, but padding is included
offsetWidth/offsetHeight is the size of visual box including borders. Can be calculated by adding width/height and padding and borders.
scrollWidth/scrollHeight is the size of the box content, including the parts that are hidden outside the scrolling area
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Fri Feb 10 2023

Linked Lists

Linked list are a linear data structure like arrays. But unlike arrays they are not stored in a single place in memory. They are made up of connected nodes, where each node consists of data and address of the next node.

Why do we need Linked List?

• Arrays can store the similar data but they have an upper limit, we need to speculate the size of array in advance, and the allocated memory is generally equal to the speculated size of the array
• Inserting and deleting data in between of Array is tedious, but in case of Linked List if we have the head node we can traverse to any node through it and insert new node
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Thu Feb 09 2023

Set log level carefully, because depending on the level some logs may never be passed to the backend and will be unavailable for future debugging.
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Wed Feb 08 2023

We can use git shortlog instead of git log to group commits by author using --group=author option.
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Mon Feb 06 2023

we can pin specific docker image to use by tagging the commit SHA

  stage: build
  image: docker@sha256:the_sha
    - docker:dind@sha256:the_sha

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Mon Feb 06 2023

To get help on gitlab CI the forum link is

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