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Wed Mar 28 2018

We can make use of Set instead of an Array in Ruby when we would like to create sequences without duplicates and also can be used to compare two sets disregarding order as compared to array for which order of elements matter.

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Wed Mar 21 2018

When using docker-compose and when in doubt that containers are getting cached, pass --build option. Works like charm

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Sun Mar 18 2018


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Thu Mar 15 2018

If you have a dimple, it's a muscle atrophy - basically your muscle doesn't work

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Thu Mar 15 2018

Use AbortController to cancel the promise. /code const controller = new AbortController(); const signal = controller.signal; // pass this signal as option in your fetch request fetch(url, {signal}).then(...).catch(...)

// now you can reject the above promise by calling abort like this signal.abort()

//promise will get rejected with error "AbortError"

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